Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Vincents Final


As life moves on, we can't get that time back. Life moves on super fast, that includes technology, art, life, and even ourselves. It's a natural way of life. I bring up that point because as a teen entering their 20’s you start to see the bigger picture of life. And honestly it's scary. You start to have more worries, and your against the world as fight on your own. In other words called “Adulting”. 

After this summer, my eyes open wider to what it means to grow up. One morning waking up to the house completely empty. The Uhaul truck starting up engine louder than the morning birds trying to wake you up. My sisters, brothers and my mom all packed up in their car ready to go. My mom hops in uhaul, they say their last goodbye and they pull off. And as i witness the uhaul drive away in the distance, the image gets smaller and smaller and smaller. As uhaul truck gets smaller, for some reason my heart did too. 

Months has passed, living now in the basement, playing with my puppy trying catch up on my bill. Hair gets longer, hygiene not on very healthy level, beard growing as excessive rate with bags under my eyes. Signs of all being stressed out. Knowing my mom moved away, I know I have to adjust and adapt. 

The subject of my project is “Adulting”. The main purpose i chose adulting as my subject for the final is because as growing up I see what it really means to have responsibility. We all grow up, and we all see the difficulty of it. Doing things on time, sleeping early, paying bills and cooking your own dishes. All these doesn't sound fun especially growing up and being spoiled by our parents we kinda take them for granted. The content of my image is suppose to bring painful happiness. Yes it's sad growing up and experience reality, but you start to look at life in bigger picture and start to cherish things a lot better. 

My art project is heavily inspired by artist, Kevin Sampson. He based his art into making sculptures. His beliefs is that he makes unique sculptures, not the greatest art but it reveals that he has a gift in it. So my idea was to create a sculpture of my physical “Home” into smaller frame. The home i've lived in my whole life, it means alot to me even on a spiritual level.

How I began on starting my project was by going to dollar store and buying all things i need to make it. Includes cardboard, color paper, glue, sticks, scissors and 3 shoe boxes. From there i put 3 boxes ontop of each other and glew paper around the 3 boxes to make it look like a 1 story building. The use color paper to create the outing of it with windows. To make special it's going to be christmas theme.

The way it compares to Kevin’s art is by creating sculptures. Using your own ideas and tools are creating “nothing” to “something” with tools. Bringing a gift from artist to real life. My self portrait will convey the feeling of tranquility if someone looks at my art. You feel as home, with touch of christmas spirit. And what makes my final different than midterm is by couple of way; One way, was the art it self, the midterm was on poster and this one is going to be sculpture 3D image. Secondly would be the idea, yes i used the idea of home in my first project but i wanted to bring the idea of home on another level for the final, into way deeper and spiritual feeling than a cultural one. It influenced me make this change because I never appreciated my family until their gone, so this project is closer to me like any other. 

The spectacle of my art project is supposed to bring glow and lights to into. Christmas lights as the color since it's the season, but it's supposed to bring life to the house. Yeah the house isnt greatest thing, but your spectacle of looking at it should feel lively. 

This project is going to be mean alot me. Creating this brought emotions, tears and love throughout. I got close to my sister as she helps create it, but the thought process emotionally reaches out to me on deeper meaning. As i explained my project in class, i would want you to feel like if your in my shoes and also open the eyes for my class on how it feels to grow up and “Adult”. To cherish life because as I said, when is gone, you can't take gain it back. That also adulting is never fun.

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