Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Now and the future

Now and the future
My final project subject is about how the community or the society sees me now, and how do I see myself in the future. The society always wants the women to stay home, clean, wash, and study for the kids. They don't care about their future, their career, they only wants the women to get married, have kids and that's all what her life is about. While, I decided not to follow my culture and my society, just do whatever i believe in. I believe in myself and continue in what makes you feel happy. My dream which is gonna come true one day is going to medical school and being a successful doctor. I encourge every girl and every women to do what believes she can do. Marring is not the only dream you should have in your list. I believe that womens should start their career, biuld their future and then everything else will come on the way. "The art of any culture will show a wide differential of talent" John berger. 
In my project I decided to take pictures of myself of me right now and how the community wants to see vs me in the future with a successful career. I took pictures of myself helping my mother in the kitchen, cleaning the bathroom, and cleaning the tables and home. 
"Images were first made to conjure up the apperance of something that was absent" John Berger.
As you can see in this part of the project my hair was messy, doesn't look good and this descibes or shows how I feel about this. While in the other part of the project you see me standing all strong, confident with my white coat and wearing my stethoscope. Also one of the pictures I took with a patient as I see myself in the future as a doctor. I decided to do my project on this topic because I see my family members and friends that just follow their parents even if they are wrong, getting married and stop going to college and they dont even continue their education because of how many children they have 3, 4 and 5. I used more than two pictures in each part and did them as a collage and printed them out on a panel. I was inspired by two artists, the first one was Kedar that i saw in the art gallery show, the way he was standing, having his body lined up, and showing his muscles and how strong he his. The other artist was Martha Wilson, the way she used to take pictures also has bought up this idea to my mind. How she used to make 2 two pictures at once just by changing her poses or the hair style, having makeup on vs no makeup. Her look totally changes like it's a whole different person, and i really liked this idea. "Today we can see the art of the past as nobody saw it before we actually percieve it in a different way" John berger. 
I think that my self portrait will be an example to all womens that no one can stop you from building your future up and my message to every girl is that you can do it and pass through every obsticle that can face you through your way, but be sure that the final results will benefit you. I believe that the difference between this self portrait and my midterm self portrait is that here I'm focusing more on the society, countries, and different cultures. While, in my midterm self portrait it was only focused on myself and family, and it was more narrow. This thinkings or ideas was influnced by the friends and people I am surrounded by. I feel that i have responsibilty delievering my message to everyone that needs to hear it but just needs a postive push to go through it."The modern individual must display a willingness to be self-controlled, which in turn signals to others that s/he is practised with the requirements of social life and can be trusted." Finkelstein
 I totally believe that the media have influnced our lives and how we see ourselfes, we act differently in social media and how we present ourselfes. We always love to show how happy and beautiful we are, while in real we might be struggling, crying everyday at night, but no one likes to show when they are week we only show the good and perfect part of who we are. I believe that the world spectacle defines the word "mirror" that shows who we are and how everyone sees themselves different from each other. My project can be relatd to the word spectacle because abvoiusly what we do in our lives is the mirror of what we think of and what we can be and that's why I encourge every women and girl to work hard and acheive their dreams and one day their will think about the hard days that they passed through and laugh.  
"Theories about identity and society take us to the intersection where the made up and the made real are twinned, and where certain ideas and practices are presented as self-evident, as if this were the way things had always been and will continue to be." Finkelstein

1. Finkelstein, Joanne (2005). The Art of Self Invention: Image and Identity in Popular Visual Culture.
2. Berger, John (1990). Ways of Seeing: Based on the BBC Television Series (Penguin Books for Art). New York, NY: 1st Edition
3. https://www.newark.rutgers.edu/events/mirror-mirror

The artist Martha Wilson

The artist that inspired me "Kedar"

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