Wednesday, December 12, 2018


Memories of journey of Art242
The subject of my final project that I have chosen is based on my journey of this class. The theme is memory that includes what I learnt through this class. I would like to give a title to this project as “memories of art class”. This project is just a way to express myself, which has a big growth in this class. In this final project I mad sculpture, and bookmark to rewind my memories of this class. I love to do art, but because of this busy life, I forgot it somewhere. Luckily I chose to be in this course and I am glad for it. I showed my life in USA from the beginning that I came from the India till now I have settled down in the USA. How I am missing my country a lot but the way I am also having new memories and also my own culture in some way here that I have putted in my project. I also showed this in my midterm project, that’s why I chose 2 pictures from my midterm project to put in my book “memories of art class” in final presentation. I used different color papers, spoon, light, and decoration martial. In this three month I got more knowledge then I had before. I never took any professional art class so, this was one of the best opportunity to explore my art skill. And only for that I chose to make bookmark and sculpture for my final project. I am very grateful to the professor for this.
In my final project I made one lamp by plastic spoon, which also one sculpture and moreover I wanted to put between my books, to present that I have same feeling like a lamp that this class light up my life, now I will continue to do art for my passion. I also made two books which has my memories of this class like I used photo of some of my selfie, with professor, with classmates, some from My midterm project, some from class member’s project, some from our trip. Except this things I used different color’s paper for represent my project, as I loved colorful things. I would categorize my work by bookmarks, photos and collared. I get inspire by María Verónica San Martín who is a Chelean printmaker, bookmarker, and performer. She uses declassified material, and collection of memories. Andy Warhol is also my inspiration, because he mostly used different colors for his work and he was self-porter, in my project is also self-portrait, it based on my journey in this class, my memories and growth in this class. This project can conveys people that everyone has some art in them. They should take at least one class of art in their life. And it’s not necessary that you do art to earn money or for work but you can also do art for your own passion and enjoyment. My midterm project was based on the journey of my life and my final project is based on my journey of this class.
My midterm project was very broad point I want to narrow it down and, this is very important and big point and may be turning point of my life in current situation. “You don't take a photograph, you make it” -Ansel Adams
Media and its images are big influenced on Self-identity, Self-identity is obtained in two ways; through self-awareness and observation other. Media also allow to have influenced by others to your self- presentation. In this final project I used media such as camera, Instagram, blogger. Media and its images also allows you to have growth in your life, to explore your imagination, thoughts, and abilities. It helps a lot in self-presentation. The spectacle is not a collection of images, but a social relation among people, mediated by images. My final project is also collection of images, but my point is not only images, it’s a relation between my classmates, and with professor. Originally, Spectacles were meant to be "sunglasses that capture your world" via the Snapchat photo- and video-sharing app. I understood by being in this course. And that is what I am showing my final project that I learn a lot in this class, we used snapchat to show our selfie and to capture world in our eyes.
“everything was itself and at the same time something else" (Finkelstein, pg. 61). "It follows the techniques of its invention, presentation, delivery and performance propagate the reassuring belief that it exists..." (Finkelstein, pg.138). "The way we see things is affected by what we know or what we believe"(John Berge, pg.8). "At minimum the self is bifurcated, it has a double; there is the conscious and unconscious, private and public, civilized and base, good and bad, and we can create ourselves as well-rounded beings from the management of these seemingly opposed elements," (Finkelstein, pg.126). “The idea that character and personality are both immanent in appearance still exerts a strong influence even though it is riddled with ambiguities”. (Finklestein, pg.129) Work cited

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