Monday, December 10, 2018

"The Queen"

The subject of my project is representing all girls, women, seniors for being a true queen and we all should remember this every second of our lives. This project is based on my culture and the history of my hometown, and how they were always being home and their place would be in the kitchen or just taking care of her children. The inspiration this artist who worked on the history and culture of every woman who has been rejected in anyways. my project reflects on how I will represent where I'm from and who is behind me, all the generation of my family. The content of my project was starting at 35street at Bayonne New Jersey, where there was a wall painted of flowers and this is where I found myself the most beautiful person and it was captured by a help of my close friend. once I had the picture all done and I made my self a crown to resemble that I am a queen at every second of my life and no one can handle what every girl goes through in the day.  what made me have this chosen this is because I have seen what would be happening to "US" all over the world and how it still happens, and my project saying it that I know I am a queen of my self. My portrait was printed out at CVS of a print Pannell this took me a whole day with going to the place and taking a picture and printing it out also with the flower I have worked out with a glue gun, flowers, headband part, leaves. I enjoyed working this project inspired by Polixeni Papapetrou's who is famous for working on between history, contemporary culture, identity and being. Her subject matter has included Elvis Presley fans, Marilyn Monroe impersonators, circus performers, and bodybuilders. 

More into my final project, the artist work, and my work are more similar to one of the famous work she would capture females with flowers all over from behind on covered their heads. My work was similar, my friend captured me with flowers all around and I add my touch where I added a crown on my head just to remind me at that moment that I have everything in my hands and no matter what happens to me during a day. The difference between my midterm and my final is in my midterm, I worked on a family kitchen full of gathering, but this final project that I'm working on all the females where they can depend on themselves. My art project is filled with creative, colors, and flowers. 
Finally, I would connect my final project to Polixeni Papapetrou artwork from visiting gallery of "Mirror Mirror' and that's how I connected my project to her work. 

Reference :


2. Finkelstein, Joanne (2005). The Art of Self Invention: Image and Identity in Popular Visual Culture.


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