Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Andy Warhol Inspired by Anastasia Lee

Andy Warhol used a can of soup in his artwork to show that we should appreciate and pay more attention to the little things that we have, such as, a can of soup.  I am paying more attention to my window.
The Bridge of Dark and Light

I appreciate that I have a window.  The window is the gateway to the outside world and the inside.  It is also what lets light in and diminishes the darkness out.  Something as simple as a window deserves recognition.  Light and a connection to the outside world is necessary.  Without it, is without freedom. Without it, we are stuck inside and in darkness.

Another theme of Andy Warhol was horror, which was part of his self-identity.  Andy had blotchy skin pigmentation.  I can relate to him because I do not have the same skin disorder, but I suffer from cystic acne.
I Am Me
I took a close picture of my face like he always does.  The horror of its appearance and how it hurts inside is shown.  People treat you differently and you feel differently from it, but it is you, your self-identity.  You learn to deal with it and to hangout with people that also look like you.  You are not going to be a model, so you hangout with other people that are also damaged.  Even though you are physically like this, you should receive your 15 minutes of fame just like everyone else in the world.  Glamor should be distributed differently because not everyone looks like a model in real life. 

   Andy Warhol had several themes in his artwork.  The two themes that I chose to represent my selfies are appreciation and self-identity.  His appreciation idea is useful in life.  You do not realize or appreciate what you have until you see a photo of it.  His artwork gave that effect.  Another theme of his work is self-identity.  He chilled with the individuals that are not seen as famous in Hollywood and he showed them as well as famous people, such as Marilyn Monroe in his artwork.  They received the fame that a Hollywood star would receive.  He felt like everyone and everything should receive its 15 minutes of fame at some point in their life.  Joanne Finkelstein stated, "Across the range of views on questions surrounding the definition of character, how the self is produced and whether identity has inherent cohesion we are constantly reacquainted with the possibilities of making ourselves: such is the art of self-invention"(144).  Even though he himself was not gorgeous, he recognized his identity and found a way to fame.
  Andy Warhol used bright colors in his work.  His photos grabbed the viewers attention, which is very important.  Joanne Finkelstein stated, "Advertisements have to be arresting.  If they address us in embracing terms then we are drawn into their universe"(148).  Gaining attention gains popularity.  If you want fame, than you have to do something to gain that fame.  Using the bright colors was one way that he grabbed the viewers attention and gained popularity. 

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