Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Wangechi Mutu Inspired.

Fool's Gold
   Wangechi Mutu inspired me to create my digital collaged selfie Fool's Gold. Mutu inspired me by the messages that her art gave to the viewers. Her art brought awareness in a attention grabbing and odd way.
   I  have the planet Earth dark. The Earth is remaining while the humans and their resources are impacted. Having a car is viewed as gold to humans. What they do not know or care about is that too many cars ruin the Earth. The affects of cars impact the weather, which is why the winds are extreme. Smog is also caused. This causes accidents and health problems. Eventually, this leads to the death of humans. What we do not realize is that we are hurting the Earth and the Earth is hurting us back in retaliation. Unfortunately, our decision is poor because the Earth will always win. We humans search for the gold, but are fools thinking that in this search, abusing the Earth, will come with no consequences. Change needs to happen so that our view of the world will not be changed from gold to grey.

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