Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Post inspired by Jean-Michael Basquiat

I Am Me
     Jean-Michael Basquiat was the artist that inspired me to do this art work. Jean-Michael Basquiat used bright colors that were not uniform to show the deeper truth in individuals in his artwork. His art was colorful and collaged and told a story. The colors that I used represent feelings. I have good days and bad days, but feelings have to be healthy. I put the word health where the healthy feelings that a human has are because they are healthy. The emotion anger, is the fire. The light blue tears are healthy tears. The faces show emotion. The dark blue tears are not healthy. The word hate is on that side. The brown and black show death and the feeling of darkness. The purple in the middle says I am me upside down. This show that even if I am not perfect I am me. Below that the other purple is an infinity sign. This represents that every experience and emotion I have had will stay with me for life. It has impacted my identity, which is me.
     One quote that I chose from Finkelstein's book that relates to my work and Basquiat's work is "Like all languages advertising is polemic, it can express multiple levels and registers of meaning"(151). Mine has similar meaning to society because everyone is human. We all have emotions and the dark feelings that we can have are not healthy. All of our experiences and emotions impact who we are.

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