Monday, September 10, 2018

Anastasia Lee

Anastasia Lee

    This is a photo of me sitting on my couch at home.   I am not sitting with the recliner open.  Instead, I have one leg across the couch and one foot on the floor.  My left hand is holding a debit card and my right hand is calmly resting.  I have a comfortable shirt on, jeans on, and sneakers.  I am looking up and out, while the light is shining on me. The pose that I chose for this photo was inspired by Mickalene Thomas's work.  Her piece of work that inspired me to take this photo was I Can't See You Without Me.    
Mickalene Thomas: I Can't See You Without Me

     In the United States, we live in a society that is changing over time.  Women used to be limited and like a child under a man's responsibility.  Women used to work at home and have a dress code.  Women did everything at the command of a man. In this photo that I took, I am showing that I am not limited.  I am rebelling against the way women are supposed to sit, dress, and act. I have a serious face and am holding my debit card. I have the freedom to buy what I want and act how I would like to. This is significant not only because I have money, but because it shows that I have choice and opportunity, which is a powerful thing. I am also looking ahead to the future.  The light that shines upon me recognizes me. We see that I am moving away from the dark past behind me and looking towards a bright future. Many woman can relate to this.  It is showing the same idea that the photo by Mickalene Thomas is showing.  
      Mickalene Thomas shows a woman that has freedom and power.  She is looking to the future and out to those who might or might not like her behavior.  Regardless of their opinion, it is going to stay this way because woman hold potential and power.  “A hallmark of Thomas’s work…is what she describes as ‘recognition and acknowledgement and validation: you see me and I see you.’ It can be difficult to tear yourself away from those gazes. But then, why would you want to?”—Nicole Rudick    A woman of any color shares the freedom and power to thrive. Women are becoming more and more recognized as an equal as society progresses. This is what the near future holds.  Increasing numbers of woman making change leaves inequality as just a memory. We relate to each other by at least being human so lets be more powerful together as one, why tear yourself away from the gazes.

    Cindy Sherman also influenced me when I took this photo.  I carefully planned out where I was going to take the photo and then I set up my camera.  I used the timer on my iPhone to capture this image.  I planned and executed this photo on my own.  According to Phoebe Hoban, "By inventing her own genre, Cindy Sherman has influenced the way generations of artists think about photography, portraiture, narrative, and identity".  Her idea of change has led to change in photography and society.  It takes one person to start a change. Not everyone has to like it, and it can still succeed.  


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