Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Selfie #2 On Photography

Photo of Verification

      "Photographs furnish evidence. Something we hear about, but doubt, seems proven when we're shown a photograph of it"(Sontag 1). This statement was said by Susan Sontag. This quote is from her book On Photography.  Sontag stated that photographs furnish evidence. What I think she meant by this is that photographs can be a source of evidence. They are valid as evidence because they provide visual evidence and proof of something. As she mentioned, "something we hear about, but doubt, seems proven when we're shown a photograph of it". Humans believe something when they see it. When we are shown something we are able to believe it and thats what a photo does for us as I mentioned before. Without the photograph, what we hear from someone else might not be believed or validated until it is shown in our faces by the photo.
      My photo relates to her quote because it validates that I was outside. As Susan Sontag stated, "A photograph passes for incontrovertible proof that something has happened"(1). Although the full story might not show, there is proof that something like it happened. A photo doesn't validate anything until the background information is given. My dad thinks that ever since he bought me a car that I got lazy because I drive every where. I tell him that I still take walks, but he doesn't believe me. This is why when I was out walking my dog at night with my brother, I had a photo taken of me. Although it does not validate the distance I walked, it still proves that I am outside somewhere that is not my house and I did not take my car to get there because I do not have my car key in my hand. The only way to validate something is if there is visual proof to prove it, which is why a photo is important in society.

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