Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Midterm Project

Hope, Peace, and love are found in "Church"

A picture of the church interior by Charles Michel-Ange Challe

I choose to do church for my midterm. Church is not only a place for worshiping or praying, but it is my home. I was raised in it and grew up there, since I was 80 days old and got baptised. I got inspired by Charles Michel-Ange Challe, he is a famous artist that born in Paris on February 13, 1718 and died January 8, 1778 he is a painter, draftsman and French architect, that liked to show and draw the paintings of church buildings with a very inspiraing way that shows how beautiful they are. Also one of my favorite quotes in John Berger "But there is also another sense in which seeing comes before words", it inspired me to show how wonderful my church is, and its builidings and drawings express alot, because most of the churches are either built as a cross shape or a boat shape. 

The cross shape represent strength because that is where we get our hope and strength from, I learnt that just by having the cross with you everywhere God is always with you he's gonna save you whatever happens, and nothing bad is gonna happen to you. The other shape is the boat which represent safety, because boats usually are found in the sea, or at beach in front of the nature, where you go inside it securing you from the waves, the wind also thats where your eyes are more looking and seeing blue color that is source of a very light color that makes you feel comfy. I choose a cartoon paper to do the church with it, with that curvy edges because thats how most churches are built in most places. I picked also some pictures including Virgin Mary, and Saints. Also I had the cross at the top, because thats what represent christianity and, it represents the crucifixion of our lord Jesus Chirst. I also posted a picture with rasing my hands up and praying and another picture with Our Pope, Pope Tawadros the 2nd which is the 118th and current Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of St.Mark. This project presents home to me, because that's where i feel happy, secured and safe. 

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